
Anger Management and History

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VivianColfax's avatar

Literature Text

"What?!" The little blond was fuming, face turning a deep red over the course of thirty seconds. "Get the fuck out of here you stupid whore!"

Kurai bit her lip, taking a step back from him. Anger and yellow hair made her more than slightly nervous. Hell, it downright scared her. "J-just calm down." Well now she knew that it wasn't the best idea to confess anything to anyone who was overly protective.

"Calm down?! Calm?! What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I just thought--"

"No! You weren't thinking! Stupid bitch, you need to leave before you hurt him!"

She dodged a frying pan that looked like it was only ever used maybe five times and it's contents. "So now would be a bad time to tell you he invited me to stay here, ja?"

The poor boy nearly died on the spot, his expression let up a bit and his ears dropped. "He what?"

Kurai shook her head, taking yet another step away from him. "I should get to work."

"Yes," he said in a dangerously low tone. "You really should."


Jason just stared in disbelief. "Hold on a second, you what?"

"Which part?" She took a bite of something that tasted like cinnamon roll but looked questionably like something one would find in a sewer. "The night spent there or the making of your favorite musician pissy? You know i swear it's like he's constantly PMSing. It's crazy."

"The whole.. everything! Go over this again with me. You went to his place, illegally entered through a window, climbed in his bed, and proceeded to fucking his brains out?"

"Not really."

"No? Then tell me how it varies from that."

"He has a hammock not a bed." She hid a smile behind taking another bite. Through the mass of the sad attempt at sugar-grain she gave a muffled, "Besides, if I remember right, you didn't mind it so much when we met."


Work was uneventful, aside from a body found in an alley. Kurai refused to go near it, Jason didn't question her. Hours passed, paperwork was tossed for points into trash bins, and she watched the clock. Never before did she get so giddy over going home, then again very rarely did she have a home. At long last the time came and se was out the door in seconds, not looking back.

Unsure thoughts about whether she should just walk into the apartment or knock made her hesitate. The problem was solved easily by climbing again into Kero's bedroom window. With a small prayer, she begged for the imp not to be there alone, and ventured out of the room. On the couch she saw Kero smiling, petting his friends hair down. His friend was laying across the couch, fitting easily in the small space, the top half of him resting in Kero's lap.

"Came home an' he was cryin' his eyes out," Kero whispered, knowing if Dot heard him telling her he would get angry and deny it to no end. "What'd ya do to him?"

Kurai shook her head, "Nothing, just let him know what happened is all."

The redhead picked his friend up and put him in bed, covering him up and giving him a fond smile. He returned to the living room and pulled Kurai to the couch, sitting her down and taking a seat beside her. "I dunno if yer brave or stupid to confess anythin' to him. He blew up in yer face huh?"

"To say the least." With a sigh she asked, "He okay?"

"Yeah, he'll bounce back."

She couldn't help but worry. She'd broken hearts before, ripped loved ones apart, but she never felt so bad about it before. It all worked out for every person she'd royally fucked over in life, in one way or another they were better off. Always. So what of the little one she referred to as 'imp'? Deep in her heart a pain stung her very soul at the thought that he may not recover at all, especially if Kero was the one she'd been waiting for. She never wanted to lose him.

"Lot on yer mind, Sheila?" He set his head on her shoulder and yawned, "Don't worry yer pretty little head 'bout it. So how was work?"

"Dead hooker in an alley, yourself?"

Kero held up a bandaged thumb, "Hammer incident."

She laughed and kissed his wounded finger, settling into her spot on the couch. For a moment all was quiet, she could even hear the soft breathing of the boy in the other room. It was a peaceful end to a relatively stressful day.

Until Kero asked, "What was your childhood like?"

It caught her off guard, she had never expected him to ask something like that. She wasn't thinking as she immediately got defensive with a question as a reply, "Why do you wanna know?"

He shrugged," Just curious is all."

Not wanting to let him down or leave him hanging, she thought of the best way to tell him without giving it all away. "I was outdoors a lot, had an imaginary friend. Ya know, just kid stuff."

The look in his eyes told her he wasn't buying it at all. "If ya don't wanna tell me, that's fine just say so..."

She debated a while in her mind. "It's not that, I just hate sounding like I'm complaining." He looked up at her and smiled, his ears twitching showing his attentiveness. "Fine, but don't think I'm whining about it okay?" With a nod as her reply, she took a breath and started.

"Well I'll go with this life for now. I lived with my mom for a few years, one day she never came home from work.  Instead a cop came through the door the next morning and took me away. Eli was his name. Took me to the orphanage, I stayed there about two months then left, lived on the street about a year before a nice woman found me. She unofficially adopted me, got me enrolled in school, she's where my German comes from actually. Two an a half years later she never came home from work either. Again a cop found me, again it was Eli. That time I ran away from him, not wanting to go back to that child-farm. I packed up a few changes of clothes, went back to living on the street. Went to school each day same as normal, no one knew what was really going on. Got into high school.." She trailed off.

He waited, patient and curious.

Kurai just smiled, "I did what I had to so I could get by, that's all."

"What'dya mean?"

"I started spending the night with guys, mainly on rainy nights. I wanted a bed, shower, maybe a decent meal." His ears dropped as he listened, the reality hitting him. "I turned out okay, though, ja?"

-crawl into bed for naptime-

And now we get a bit of history on her. Subject to change as usual. It seems a bit choppy in my opinion but really i was just out of inspiration. Wanted to submit something to keep ya happy babe. XP

I should really keep track of my heart-hurt moments, huh? In case there's a pattern. -rub chest-

Fun fact, Kurai only has hair on her head. Nowhere else. X3 Hair is mostly the body's defence against.. germs and shit.. as an angel she never needed that, as she isn't susceptible to human illness or.. any really.

So Kero might wonder one day why she doesn't own a razor.. thats why.
© 2010 - 2024 VivianColfax
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bloodlickins's avatar
XD Dot's lil pissy ass tantrum, then passout.

O_O Well Kero own's a razor and shaves everything but whats important XD His crotch. Ex. legs, face, shit like that, things some men would question if they were gay or not.